Hi there :) Today I am sharing with you a very easy recipe for a bean loaf. You can combine it with really any veggies on the side. This time I made some baked sweet potatoes (everyone's favorite :P), some lettuce, kohlrabi, sprouts, dried tomatoes and caramelized onions...or well, sort of ;-).
These onions were a bi-product of a coughing syrup made out of onions. This method is super effective against coughing and it is all natural :) The onions are well known for their antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. The syrup tastes better than it sounds, so give it a try next time someone gets ill in your family. I describe how to make the syrup in the Method section below.
What will you need:
- 2 cans of any type of beans (use fresh beans whenever you can)
- 1 zucchini
- 4 carrots
- 1/2 white onion
- spice mix
- a bit of chili
- salt, pepper
- 2 tbsp ground flax-seed with 6 tbsp water
- 1/2 cup of finely cur oats
- a bit of water, if needed
- a small amount of coconut oil to coat the baking pan
For the salad:
- 1 head of lettuce of your choice
- 2-3 sweet potatoes
- 1 kohlrabi
- sprouts of any kind
- 2-3 dried tomatoes in olive oil
For the caramelized onion
- 1 yellow onion
- 2 tbsp raw cane sugar
- tiny bit of oil
Bean loaf:
- Rinse and drain the beans from the can. I normally cook my own beans, but when I forget to pre-soak them, or I am under time pressure, I use canned beans. Please make sure, that you wash the beans under running water, as the cans contain BPA, which you don't want to eat..
- Prepare the egg replacer: mix 2 tbsp of ground flax-seed with 6 tbsp water and set aside for a couple of minutes, until the flax-seed soaks up the water.
- Wash the zucchini, peal and wash the carrots, peal the onion and put everything into a food processor with an S-blade. Start to mix using the "Pulse" functionality. If the dough gets too dry, add some water. If it gets over sticky, add some more oats.
- Place the dough into an ovenproof pan, coated with a bit of coconut oil.
- Bake on 200° for about 25-30 minutes, or until the bean loaf starts separating from the side of the pan and it becomes golden brown.
- Wash the lettuce, divide the leaves and make smaller pieces using your hands.
- Peel and slice the kohlrabi. Cut the dried tomatoes into smaller pieces.
- Bake the sweet potatoes at the same time as the bean loaf on a separate tray :) I describe how to make the sweet potatoes in this recipe.
- Add some sprouts of any kind :)
- Peel and slice one yellow onion (it can as well be red). Place it into a small bowl and add the sugar on top. Wait until the next day (6-8 hours). The onion will release a sweet nectar, which is amazing against coughing! You can leave the onion for 1-2 days.
- Instead of throwing the onion out, take a bit of oil and saute the onion in a pan until it gets translucent. voila.. you have caramelized onions :-) At least a version of them:)
Place everything on a plate, arranging the ingredients like a rainbow with many different colors :) The more attractive your food looks, the better it will taste :)
Enjoy <3