Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Breakfast oatmeal porridge

I love oatmeal for breakfast. It is really the easiest thing to prepare and takes only a few minutes. Basically no time, for such a goodness :)
It is nutritious, delicious and warming when it is getting cold outside. There are literally hundreds of variations of a tasty breakfast made out of oats. Here is one of them:

What will you need:
- appr.  1/3 cup oats
- appr. 1 cup of water
- 1 handful of frozen raspberries
- 1 handful of mulberries (or any dried berries)
- 1.5 tsp hazelnut butter (or any nut butter you like)
- 1 tbsp date syrup
- 1 tsp flax-seed

We are normally using these 2 types of oats from Demeter. Both of them are pre-cut to smaller pieces, which are faster to cook. The second one is gluten-free, which is great for someone with gluten intolerance :)

  1. Place oats with water to a pan and cook them on medium heat for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Add the frozen raspberries and cook for more 2 minutes until berries are warm. Turn off the heat
  3. Place the oatmeal to a dish and top with hazelnut butter, mulberries, date syrup and flax-seed
  4. Serve and enjoy :)


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